Assessing, Testing, Coaching

Providing Professional Resources, Guidance, & Services for Home Education

Complete the form below to schedule or if you have questions.
If you have not received a response in one to two business days please text Angie Cutlip the Director of ATC at 9196023760. We do our very best to respond in a timely manner. In the event your form goes to spam, we do not mind you sending us a quick text saying you submitted an online form.
Angie in Wendell =====> 9196023760
Blair in Charlotte =====> 7042020720
Megan in Zebulon ======> 9193060132

Learn more about me and my team HERE

To read testimonials from some of the families we have served the past 20 years click HERE

To see a few of our HAPPY TESTERS click HERE

Does it matter when you test?
What happens if I need to enroll my student back to school?
What are the requirements to homeschool in our state?
Can a principal require additional testing?
What can I do in the homeschool portal?
What are requirements to graduate in our state?
How do I close my homeschool?
How do I withdraw my student from another school?

To read quick answers to those and other common questions click HERE

To join a homeschool community with over 21k member go HERE (just make sure to answer all questions or facebook will not let you in the community)
Complete the form below to schedule or if you have questions.
If you have not received a response in one to two business days please text Angie Cutlip the Director of ATC at 9196023760. We do our very best to respond in a timely manner. In the event your form goes to spam, we do not mind you sending us a quick text saying you submitted an online form.
Angie in Wendell =====> 9196023760
Blair in Charlotte =====> 7042020720
Megan in Zebulon ======> 9193060132

Learn more about me and my team HERE

To read testimonials from some of the families we have served the past 20 years click HERE

To see a few of our HAPPY TESTERS click HERE

Does it matter when you test?
What happens if I need to enroll my student back to school?
What are the requirements to homeschool in our state?
Can a principal require additional testing?
What can I do in the homeschool portal?
What are requirements to graduate in our state?
How do I close my homeschool?
How do I withdraw my student from another school?

To read quick answers to those and other common questions click HERE

To join a homeschool community with over 21k member go HERE (just make sure to answer all questions or facebook will not let you in the community)

Complete the form below to schedule or if you have questions.
If you have not received a response in one to two business days please text Angie Cutlip the Director of ATC at 9196023760. We do our very best to respond in a timely manner. In the event your form goes to spam, we do not mind you sending us a quick text saying you submitted an online form.
Angie in Wendell =====> 9196023760
Blair in Charlotte =====> 7042020720
Megan in Zebulon ======> 9193060132

Learn more about me and my team HERE

To read testimonials from some of the families we have served the past 20 years click HERE

To see a few of our HAPPY TESTERS click HERE

Does it matter when you test?
What happens if I need to enroll my student back to school?
What are the requirements to homeschool in our state?
Can a principal require additional testing?
What can I do in the homeschool portal?
What are requirements to graduate in our state?
How do I close my homeschool?
How do I withdraw my student from another school?

To read quick answers to those and other common questions click HERE

To join a homeschool community with over 21k member go HERE (just make sure to answer all questions or facebook will not let you in the community)

Thank you for your interest in ATC Educational Services. I have been serving homeschool families in NC for over 20 years! I am the director, Angie Cutlip. I served as a public school teacher for 11 years & homeschooled my children all the way through early college home. They are now adults. I have been helping families make the best curriculum decisions for their family through either Woodcock Johnson testing or phone consultations. I also specialize in learning differences like dyslexia, teaching your child to read & navigating early college while homeschooling (aka dual enrollment or Career & College Promise, CCP). I also run a facebook group for homeschooling families in NC with over 20k member. You can join the community HERE

Read testimonials from some of the families we have served the past 20 years HERE

See a few of our HAPPY TESTERS HERE

Learn about the TEAM HERE

Does it matter when you test?
What happens if I need to enroll my student back to school?
What are the requirements to homeschool in our state?
Can a principal require additional testing?
What can I do in the homeschool portal?
What are requirements to graduate in our state?
How do I close my homeschool?
How do I withdraw my student from another school?

Read quick answers to those and other common questions HERE


Does it matter when you test?

NO! As long as you test each year once your student is 7!
• The WJ is unique because it can be administered at ANY time during the year. ATC has all test materials at each of our testing locations and we do our computerized scoring on-site. It is not necessary for you to order any testing materials or get a proctor. Trained and certified test administrators at each of our testing locations administer the WJ.
• Keep in mind you do not have to finish all your work for the current school year before testing. The norm tables on our computerized scoring software make allowances for the time of the school year in which the test is administered. Many opt to test before getting started to get some benchmarks.
•  You retain the test results at your home. Failure to have them on file will jeopardize the legal status of your home school. It may also jeopardize your child's proper grade placement when seeking enrollment in a conventional school if the school makes placement decisions based on testing. The WJ is the top standardized achievement test in the nation and highly recognized in academia. 

What are the requirements to homeschool in NC?

Hold at least a high school diploma or its equivalent;
Send to DNPE a (NOI)  Notice of Intent to Operate a Home School;
Elect to operate under either Part 1 or Part 2 of Article 39 of the North Carolina General Statutes as a religious or as a non-religious school;
Operate the school "on a regular schedule, excluding reasonable holidays and vacations, during at least nine calendar months of the year";
Maintain disease immunization and annual attendance records for each student;
Have a nationally normed standardized achievement test administered annually to each student. Records of the test results must be retained at the home school for at least one year and made available to duly authorized representative of the state of North Carolina DNPE when requested. For more details see BLOG on Homeschooling in NC, Easy as 1,2,3.

What can I do in the homeschool portal?

You may do the following things after logging into your account HERE:
•Print the Official Registration Record and Verification Card that can be used as your School ID. I also screenshot it to keep on my phone for teacher discounts.
•Update your Personal Information
•Change your Password
•Add or Change Annual Standardized Achievement Tests
•Change Teacher Information
•Update Student Enrollment - Each year you can update your enrollment and use the link to change the students enrolled in your home school.
•Request a DEC (Driver's Eligibility Certificate)
•Close Your Home School

How do I close my homeschool?

When there are no more students being actively educated your homeschool you need to submit a "closed" notification.
This specifically means that when the students have returned to a public or a conventional private school OR when all the students have graduated from the home school, the home school is no longer in operation and must be official closed. The school must be closed within 30 days of these events.
Schools may be re-opened later if the students return to the home school.
Schools may not be kept open in order that the school’s listing will be visible on the public website. Log into the portal and scroll down and click CLOSE SCHOOL.

What happens if I need to enroll my student in traditional school?

In North Carolina, there are basically two steps you need to take to return your child to school:
  • Notify the NCDNPE of your intent to close your homeschool. (You can always reopen it later, if you wish.)
  • Contact the school principal of the school you will be enrolling in to find out their enrollment process.
Whenever a formerly home schooled student is presented for enrollment at a conventional school (public or non-public) or college, that educational institution may request a student transcript/record of grade levels successfully completed, subjects taught, semester grades, nationally standardized test scores, etc., while enrolled in the home school.
All such information is provided solely by the chief administrator of the home school -- not by state or local government officials. North Carolina law states that a home school is a non-public school. When a student successfully completes his/her non-public school's academic requirements for high school graduation, the non-public school itself (not a government agency) maintains academic records of the student's high school academic work and issues student transcripts and graduation verifications in future years as requested. State government provides NO student graduation verifications for non-public school graduates (whether from a private K-12 or a home school) nor does it maintain or keep student academic records or transcripts -- only records concerning the legal existence of such schools, also known as your NOI.
I recommend you keep your homeschool records in a 3 ring notebook with plastic sleeves. You can maintain your attendance records, immunization records and standardized test scores by year in your record keeping notebook. A digital backup copy is also recommended as well. If you do not keep digital records just take a picture of your records and file them on a safe drive. If you save them as .pdf you will be able to print them.

Can a principal require additional testing if I enroll my student back in school?

§ 115C-288 …A principal shall not require additional testing of a student entering a public school from a school governed under Article 39 of this Chapter if test scores from a nationally standardized test or nationally standardized equivalent measure that are adequate to determine the appropriate placement of the child are available.
The local school should be able to use the homeschool records you have kept including proper annual testing to determine your child’s grade placement. 

What are homeschool graduation requirements in NC?

In North Carolina, each homeschool sets their own graduation requirements for administering your own diploma. According the NC law.
§ 115C-563.  Definitions.
As used in this Part or Parts 1 and 2 of this Article:
(a)        "Home school" means a nonpublic school consisting of the children of not more than two families or households, where the parents or legal guardians or members of either household determine the scope and sequence of academic instruction, provide academic instruction, and determine additional sources of academic instruction.
(b)        "Duly authorized representative of the State" means the Director, Division of Nonpublic Education, or his staff. 

With that said you do not have to follow public school requirements. However, if your child plans to attend 4 year college you will want to work backwards. You are your child's guidance counselor.  Here is a good place to start your research if college or community college is your goal.
UNC Minimum Requirements can be found HERE!
Career and College Promise (Early College) info can be found HERE!

How do i withdraw my child in order to homeschool?

Notify the school you have filed your Notice of Intent with the DNPE to open a homeschool. Let the school know you are withdrawing them from the school. It is best to document your decision with a letter and give the date at which you will start homeschooling.
Ask how grade placement will be handled should you decide to terminate your homeschool.
It is recommended to not withdraw your student until you have documentation from DNPE. Remember you are not asking the state permission to homeschool but informing the state you will open a private school and follow NC law.
Once filed, you are good to go until you terminate your school. Always notify the Division if address or enrollment changes. This can all be done in the portal where you file your NOI.  
What other families say about ATC!
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Woodcock Johnson Testing (Non Common Core) ==> IN PERSON

Woodcock Johnson Testing (Non Common Core) ==> IN PERSON

If you prefer a one-on-one nationally normed standardized assessment where you bring your student for testing, this is best option for you. We assess students in-person pre-k to 12th grade and give you immediate feedback. In NC you are are only required to test students aged 7 and above. The chief administrator is responsible for obtaining and/or scheduling the nationally standardized test at some time during the school year. DNPE, nor the public school provide the test or funding for the tests. If an online test better meets your needs then look below for online options.

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Woodcock Johnson Testing

Woodcock Johnson Testing

ON LINE REMOTE OPTION (Only available with Angie at the Wendell location) We prefer to test students in person as this allows the administrator to make better observations. However, we are offering a limited number of Zoom testing sessions with Angie. This is a BRIEF testing session . This will only test the bare minimal requirements to meet the general statute. This option is for families that are pretty settled on your homeschool curriculum choices, understand your homeschooler's learning needs and do not need us to go over your results. Basically this is for families that just desire to meet their legal requirements. You will receive a link with a file to aid you in interpretation of your results. There are options for additional phone consultation appointments with Angie if you decide you need additional help with curriculum choices or other homeschool coaching for an additional fee. Please read carefully to see if REMOTE testing will work for your: 1. Must have access to reliable internet. 2. Must have access to a printer. 3. Must have access to a quiet private area to test with no distractions. 4. Must certify there is no recording of any kind during the testing session. 5. Must certify that NO portion of the test is shared in ANY form. Student: 4. Must be able to use a Zoom testing session independently including already having the Zoom app updated on your device and know that your microphone and camera work properly. 5. Must be able to read at least an approximate 3rd grade reading level and do basic addition and subtraction. High School students should be able to do some basic algebra problems. Some exceptions may be made to these guidelines. NOTE: Remote administration typically does not qualify for gifted programs as only the minimum brief tests are given to meet the legal requirements.

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About imageAbout imageAbout image
We believe you are in charge of your student's success. We are here to help guide you with making educational choices regarding testing, as well as provide other resources and services. ATC Educational Services is committed to excellence and professionalism in caring for the needs of your child, whether in the private, public or home school sector. We believe the model of continual assessing, planning, teaching, and evaluating to be an integral part of education. ATC understands a single test does not define your child. Your child is so much more than a score. What we do is help offer deep insight into your child's profile of strengths, needs, & learning trajectory. Assessments in a given year and over time provide evidence in fostering educational growth, as well as provide indicators of where you may need to review curriculum or instructional approaches. Whether affirming what you already have assessed about your child, measuring growth over time, building test-taking skills (life is full of tests) & more, we are here to assist you in your homeschool planning, teaching & evaluating growth in a positive, friendly, & professional experience. Our goal is a meaningful NO STRESS ASSESS! For those families who take education seriously, and who recognize that excellence in education requires a deep base of insight into learning and achievement for every student then we can help you!
Is the Woodcock Johnson Test the Best Choice for your Family?

Is the Woodcock Johnson Test the Best Choice for your Family?

Do you want an individualized testing experience where you can test at ANY time during your school year? Do you want your student exposed to a testing situation out of your home? Do you have a student that is "above" in some areas and "lower" in other areas? Do you have a student that is well above "grade level" in your assessment? Do you have a student with developmental delays? Do you have concerns about curriculum choices? Do you have a student that is working at the college level in some areas? Do you have a non reader or early emergent reader? Do you have student that has experienced testing anxiety or anxiety in general? Does your student enjoy a challenge? Do you suspect learning differences? At any time might your student return to a traditional classroom setting? If you answered YES to ANY of these, the Woodcock Johnson Is most likely the best option.

Purpose of Test

Purpose of Test

• To measure what your child has learned in reading, mathematics, written language and general knowledge • To help you measure growth and get benchmarks • To look for strengths and weaknesses • To look for interdisciplinary discrepancies in learning: In traditional school many students are overlooked that are are gifted. This group of unserved students are those whose abilities and disabilities mask each other. Students who are gifted and also have learning disabilities do, in fact, exist but are often overlooked when students are assessed for either giftedness or learning disabilities(Fox, Brody, & Tobin, 1983). At ATC we refer to the "learning disabilities" as" learning differences"!

Areas Tested

Areas Tested

We specialize in special needs, learning differences, preschool to high school, and all types of learners. We also help to assess if your student is ready for Early College (Career & College Promise). ==> • Reading - comprehension, vocabulary, basic skills, phonics & word attack • Mathematics - computation, reasoning & application of basic skills • Language - knowledge, writing skills, expression, punctuation, spelling, grammar • Knowledge - general science, social studies, humanities

Advantages of WJ III® as compared to Group Test  Such as CAT/5, SAT or Iowa Test of Basic Skills

Advantages of WJ III® as compared to Group Test Such as CAT/5, SAT or Iowa Test of Basic Skills

Advantages of WJ III® as compared to Group Test Such as ITBS, SAT or TerraNova/CAT6 • Test questions are read both aloud and silently by either the proctor or the student who responds verbally or with some writing • Test is not timed (therefore, less pressure on the student) • Immediate feedback on your student's performance with a computerized score report • Requires only one to two hours of your time

Benefits of Testing with ATC

Benefits of Testing with ATC

BENEFITS OF TESTING WITH ATC • Friendly, relaxed, and personable testing in comfortable environment • Positive testing experience encourages students to excel • Most students actually enjoy taking the test, stating, “This is a fun test!” • One on One testing allows examiner to give encouraging words throughout the testing session • Once test items become too difficult the administrator takes student to next section determined by a set protocol

How Long Does it Take?

How Long Does it Take?

• Most testing takes from 55-65 minutes for younger test takers. Older students on average take about 1 1/2 hours. You may remain at your testing location, shop, relax, or eat. I will go over the test report thoroughly and provide brief feedback and curriculum recommendations if needed.

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 I am new to homeschooling and my kids were nervous about going in for testing. The testing experience was very pleasant and it was a positive experience for my kids. Ms. Cutlip is great with kids and puts them at ease. After testing she took her time to thoroughly explain the results so I have an understanding of the scores. I have a better understanding of planning my children's curriculum and what to attend to each of my child's different weaknesses and strengths. It also gives me re-assurance of my decision to homeschool them. I would definitely recommend Ms. Cutlip to anyone and we will be seeing her again in a year or so." Leila A., Mooresville, NC 


 Wow, where to begin with our first-ever experience testing with Angie Cutlip?! As relative newbies, who are only in our second year of homeschooling, the anxiety for me as a parent, as well as the unfortunate anxiety of my ten-year-old, has been alive and well on various levels. Like many, we’ve had to blindly navigate the never-ending options of curriculum, while also trying to stay calm and encouraged among those who don’t understand and question why we are doing it. My why is my child, and Angie seems to understand that perfectly. My super bright, yet very shy and socially anxious daughter entered the test nervous and scared, but ended it cool as a cucumber with a genuine smile that oozed a confidence I haven’t seen from her in quite some time. She even said, “Mom, it was kinda fun.” Ummm, who is this child, and where did my daughter in near tears for two hours on the way to the test go?! To say I was relieved and grateful for that response is an understatement. Angie’s years of experience, exhaustive knowledge of score breakdowns, and kind nature served both my daughter and me well as we both left feeling encouraged and even empowered to continue on our homeschool journey. More than the scores though, we left equipped with a better understanding of my daughter’s learning style, and of the curriculum that might work well for her. All of that to say, we will definitely be back for future testing. It was well worth the time and effort in our attempt to gain better insight and direction as we continue to on our homeschooling adventure. It’s a lot to take on, but it can be done when you have people to help guide the way! Jessica Sorensen, Winston-Salem, NC 

Jessica Sorensen
Winston-Salem, NC

 Just wanted to let you know we have been using the math curriculum you recommend for a couple weeks now and the kids are loving it! Emmi is understanding it so much better already. It's amazing to watch!! We just got our reading and started it this week. They seem to be liking it as well. I am really enjoying teaching them now. It is so amazing what a good curriculum can do for the right kids! Thank you so much for your help. I can't wait to see where Emmi is next year!! Thank you again!!! I was sitting there last night and we had just finished a unit in reading and they were both begging to do more but it was late so I told them we would do more next time. They have never asked to do more. It was so awesome and I just had to share it with you with a great big thank you. I'm so glad God put you in my path so that we could actually make this learning thing fun and not work!! 

S. Mooers
Youngsville, N.C.

 This was our first time taking this particular test and I couldn't be happier. My kids were anxious since there was so much pressure in school when it came time for EOGs, but this was completely different. Angie was great with the kids and she encouraged them every step of the way which helped them to relax. I am thankful for the amount of time Angie spent with me going over the results as well. She even spent time going over curriculum for each child and gave recommendations based on what she observed. We will definitely be contacting Angie again next year! - Danielle B., Franklinton 


 The Woodcock Johnson for the win!! My 15 yr old son and I had the pleasure to meet Angie for the WJ test this morning. It was such a positive, encouraging & fun experience! Yes, my son said the test was fun and he wants to test with Angie every year. He is excited & confident about his academics and can’t wait to try all the tips & recommendations Angie gave him! Thank you Angie, for making such a meaningful impact in my son’s education!! - Deysha 

Deysha Hicks
Wake Forest, NC

 This is our first year home-schooling so we are learning everything from the ground up. Several friends suggested we test in December to see how we were progressing so when Angie came recommended to us we signed up immediately. Angie was very responsive from my initial contact and my boys 6 and 8 enjoyed testing with her! After they were done she went over their scores with me and it was so helpful to see where they were for each are. Angie helped me with curriculum choices for the spring semester and areas of weakness to focus on. I would (and have :)) recommended Angie to many of my friends because she was so helpful and a delight to work with. Terin W., Raleigh, NC 


 Thank you so much once again for getting her in this week and providing the environment to show what my daughter actually knows, as well as the recommendations for adjustments to fill in her gaps. I am so grateful for the opportunity to homeschool and all that you provide to the community you set up. My daughter had such a great experience testing with Angie! Coming from a charter school, I had hoped she would see testing as I did, a celebration of what she knows; instead, she had learned massive anxiety over tests, rushed through it, but worst, had dreaded it. Her experience testing with Angie gave her the ability to show what she knows and show where her gaps were without her feeling like a failure. The guidance with some options to fill in the gaps was the cherry on top. I can’t thank you enough! It was a pleasure to meet you and work with you and look forward to continued testing. Tracy G., Greensboro, NC 


 This was our first year using this particular test, as well as our first year testing with Mrs. Cutlip. She was quick to respond with my initial contact and quick to respond with any questions leading up to testing day. My children had a great time. Mrs. Cutlip took the time to go over the results and give suggestions on things to try to build upon their strengths. She was well versed on different curriculum choices! I take to heart and trust her suggestions. Looking forward to another great year of teaching my children with even more knowledge in my back pocket! We will be testing with her in the future." Tabitha D., Angier, NC 


 My kids are new to homeschool and were hesitant on taking an in-home test. Mrs. Cutlip made the testing day super smooth and enjoyable for them. We look forward to testing with her in the future!!! Jessie H., Kenly, NC 


 I took my children, 6 & 8, to be assessed by Angie and she was wonderful. The environment was super relaxed, she made my children feel comfortable and was very kind. She went over their results with me in detail, discussed curriculum that would work best for my children based on their personalities and abilities. I would highly recommend having your children assessed by her. It was very helpful and reassured me in knowing my children were performing where I thought they were and also provided additional insight. Chris, Gibsonville, NC 


 My daughter had such a wonderful experience taking the Woodcock Johnson with Angie. She was excited to take the test and she used the word "fun" to describe it! What a blessing to have a stress-free test that accurately reprsents how my child is doing." Beth P., Raleigh, NC 


 My daughter is new to homeschooling and was nervous about the test. We weren't sure what to except, but Angie was great with my daughter. She gave her confidence throughout the test, and I know that it helped my daughter to do her best. They had a few laughs too." - Simone, Winston Salem, NCwanted to share you another testimonial that just came from a sweet girl I tested this week. Hope this will be an encouragement to those apprehensive about testing. "My daughter is new to homeschooling and was nervous about the test. We weren't sure what to except, but Angie was great with my daughter. She gave her confidence throughout the test, and I know that it helped my daughter to do her best. They had a few laughs too." - Simone, Winston Salem, NC 


 My daughter is new to homeschooling and was nervous about the test. We weren't sure what to except, but Angie was great with my daughter. She gave her confidence throughout the test, and I know that it helped my daughter to do her best. They had a few laughs too." ​Simone T. , Winston Salem 

 My children had a great time taking this test! Their assessment took place in a welcoming home and Angie is super sweet so all nervousness vanished (including mine). Angie was extremely thorough in going over every detail when testing was complete.. I was able to change some of my instruction to better meet their needs thanks to Angie's recommendations. Our time spend with ATC was invaluable to us and we will be back every year to make sure we are on the right track.. Thank you so much Angie for your time, encouragement and expert input." Delia D., Raleigh, NC 

 We are so pleased with the test yesterday. Elise said she had "fun". How many kids say that about testing??? You did a wonderful job. I was able to get all of Michael's school finished, and made it on time to pick up Kate. We look forward to testing again next year at this time! I'm putting a reminder on my calendar. Blessings to you and your family. Thanks again." - K. Kandle, Wake Forest, NC 

 I am new to homeschooling and my kids were nervous about going in for testing. The testing experience was very pleasant and it was a positive experience for my kids. Ms. Cutlip is great with kids and puts them at ease. After testing she took her time to thoroughly explain the results so I have an understanding of the scores. I have a better understanding of planning my children's curriculum and what to attend to each of my child's different weaknesses and strengths. It also gives me re-assurance of my decision to homeschool them. I would definitely recommend Ms. Cutlip to anyone and we will be seeing her again in a year or so." Leila A., Mooresville, NC 


 I have used ATC services for several years. My son loved Mrs. Becky but unfortunately she moved. We travel from New Port to Wendell to test with Mrs. Angie and she was wonderful. She made testing so easy. I would highly recommend her services. She is very thorough and helpful with your child and with explaining any concerns she may see." - J. Dail, Newport, NC 

 Megan was great with Brayden. The testing procedure and atmosphere was perfect for him. It was like she already new him. She gave me good advice and suggested a couple of great books for him to read and I got both of them. I'm sure I'll be seeking advice from her in the near future. Thank you so We will be back for testing in late spring to make sure we are on the right track and making progress. Thank you!" J. Barrett, Louisburg, NC 

 I have a 9 year old nervous tester, and a 8 year old with ADD and Dysgraphia. They both said if they have to test that is the way to do it. They left feeling very proud of themselves and no anxiety on anything they did not know. I came away with a better knowledge on some curriculum that can help us also. I was knowledgeable about curriculum before but this was a big help!" - K. Wayman, Clayton, NC 

 Awesome, thank you so much! I love it when he tests with you because he is pretty comfortable. You rock!!! I appreciate all you do. -P. Boyce, Greensboro, NC 

 Angie- Thank you so much for the wonderful testing experience you created for my girls! With this being our first year of homeschool, we had no idea what to expect. The relaxed atmosphere and your patient and calm approach put them at ease. I was so happy to be able to review the results immediately and talk to you about new curriculum ideas. Thank you for the extra time you spent with me and for answering my many questions! We look forward to seeing you again next year!"- L.. Lynette, Raleigh, NC 

 hank you so much for what you do and how you do it. My children actually enjoyed the testing! They both came home and googled the answers to the questions they remembered missing." - J. Elmore, Sanford, NC 

 Angie, Thank you for testing my boys year after year. They've gotten so comfortable with you over the years and their test scores reflect that. Thank you for encouraging me, as well. Homeschooling can be a tough job, and your kind words mean more than I can say. " - Sandy, Knightdale , NC 

 We tested at the Wilmington location. We were very pleased with the testing that Becky did with our two boys. It was an invaluable tool in learning what areas we needed to work on during the next school year. It was also reassuring in that we saw where our children were excelling. As their primary educator, I felt more confident in my abilities as their teacher. This experience was a win-win. It was also done with so much respect and professionalism. Becky is fantastic! She also gave me terrific curriculum suggestions. I am huge fan of the WJIII test. It is so comprehensive. I feel it is worth every penny. I highly recommend these services for your testing needs." - L. Furry, Jacksonville, NC 

 "This was my daughter’s first year doing the WJ test with Angie. My daughter had a wonderful experience and absolutely loved it!! Angie was terrific with her and made her feel comfortable and relaxed. My daughter said she’d love to do this test daily, because it was such a fun experience!" L. Hills, Youngsville 

 My son (15) tested today with Angie. It was a very positive experience. Angie is extremely patient, kind and excellent at explaining results of testing. Additionally, she offered us much needed advice on how to help my son with his learning challenges. I highly recommend Angie! - C. Miller, Wake Forest 

 Angie was amazing when she tested our girls. She put them at ease and made them feel comfortable. We are so thankful we chose this route. She gave us suggestions and recommendations for next year and also gave us positive feedback at the same time. We will definitely be using the service next year. - S. Randell, Pinehurst, NC 

 Dear Angie, Thank you for sharing your inspirational message with our Lighthouse Homeschooling Members. Your speech was uplifting and encouraging. Your personal stories of homeschooling remind us that what we do is essential in our children's lives. We are so grateful that you shared your time and expertise with us. You made a difference. Blessings, S. Moser and Lighthouse, Wake Forest, NC 

 Lighthouse Homeschooling Members 

Homeschool Support Group

 Thanks for all your help! The boys are doing a great job, and I am gkad you're helping me keep them on track! Sandy 

Sandy K., Zebulon, NC

 As a first year homeschool mom I was nervous for testing. Angie was amazing! She was able to help me understand where my sons strengths were and what we can do to help him in other areas. I’ve known my son is ADHD, but how to help I’ve been lost. With her years of experience and knowledge Angie was able to make recommendations on what I need to do in order to help my son with his full academic potential. I am so thankful for Angie and her patience and knowledge!-J. Campbell, Cary NC 

 Angie recommended quite a few ideas for my daughter. I can speak from experience that she knows what she is doing! My daughter now has grown in confidence this year. Her spelling and reading has thoroughly expanded in skill levels. If you are questioning changing something like I did - don’t. Trust the process! I was set on continuing one curriculum. After several more months of struggling to make progress I took Angie’s advice. I started over with her suggestion to switch up our Reading. All I can say is, I wish I had started it when she first recommended it. My daughter loves the program. 

Sara Bolton, Hubert, NC
Online Consultation

 My daughter had a great time during testing. She was put at ease right away and was able to complete it without an issue even though she was nervous at first. I learned a lot from the results about her strengths and what to work on. Angie is so nice! I highly recommend testing here! 

Heather Fleming
Vass, NC

 Angie is so personable and warm. My oldest child has ADHD and some anxiety and was very nervous to test, but Angie made him feel at ease. I'd also suspected dyslexia and dysgraphia, but the doctor kept brushing me off because he wasn't behind in any subjects but spelling and reading. They kept chalking it up to inattention. His WJ test results actually did indicate a likelihood for dyslexia. Angie pointed out a few things that she noticed during testing that were indicators as well. I sent his test results to the psychologist that diagnosed his ADHD and she agreed he needed tested. It turned out that he does have phonological dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalcula. These are all just labels BUT knowing he has these learning differences has DRASTICALLY improved his life and his education. Our school days are now fun filled and rarely a struggle. Angie also suggested he may have tracking and convergence issues. She was right about that as well. One round of vision therapy and his reading level jumped 3 grade levels. So thankful for Angie's insight and experience. 

Megan S Candora, Raleigh, NC

 Angie is so personable and warm. My oldest child has ADHD and some anxiety and was very nervous to test, but Angie made him feel at ease. I'd also suspected dyslexia and dysgraphia, but the doctor kept brushing me off because he wasn't behind in any subjects but spelling and reading. They kept chalking it up to inattention. His WJ test results actually did indicate a likelihood for dyslexia. Angie pointed out a few things that she noticed during testing that were indicators as well. I sent his test results to the psychologist that diagnosed his ADHD and she agreed he needed tested. It turned out that he does have phonological dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalcula. These are all just labels BUT knowing he has these learning differences has DRASTICALLY improved his life and his education. Our school days are now fun filled and rarely a struggle. Angie also suggested he may have tracking and convergence issues. She was right about that as well. One round of vision therapy and his reading level jumped 3 grade levels. So thankful for Angie's insight and experience. 

Megan S Candora, Raleigh, NC

 My daughters and I had an incredible experience with Blair! We will return to her year after year for the Woodcock Johnson assessment. She did a terrific job putting our kids at ease during the assessment process. She was extremely helpful in debriefing the assessment afterwards and sharing more about their areas of strength/weakness. I really appreciated Blair’s attention to detail and her thoughtfulness to include her “test session observations” of each child as well. From providing helpful tips prior to the assessment (like bringing snacks and quiet-time activities) to the amazing homeschooling advice she gave afterwards—not only from her experience as an “examiner” but also from her years of experience as a homeschooling mom—we loved every part of the assessment process! We are so grateful for Blair’s caring investment into each of our children, recognizing that they are all made in the image of God, and how she has come alongside us to support our family’s homeschooling journey. 

Hilary R.
Charlotte, NC

 We tested with Blair in Charlotte for the first time and it was a positive experience for my boys and myself. Scheduling and communication prior to the testing day was timely and precise. The testing process was easy and simple and my boys felt comfortable. Blair spent time at the end to explain and discuss results with us. We will test again with Blair for future needs. 

Elizabeth G.
Charlotte, NC

 I've been wanting to send you a message for a long time now. Long story short, you tested my daughter, Addison, in June 2022. If it were not for you, we may not have ever known that she has visual tracking disorder and dyslexia. I, as her homeschool teacher, and teachers she had in public and private school never suspected it. I will be forever grateful for you in that you helped us figure it out before we went down different paths. I really feel like God led me to you knowing your experience and expertise would help us help Addison. She has now completed vision therapy. She was formally diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia by a neuropsychologist. She now attends the half day program at Hill Learning Center in Durham. I am just so grateful that we were led to you and that you recognized that she had these issues. When I think back on things/people/situations that I am grateful for, I often think of you! Testing with you probably changed the trajectory of Addison's life for the better. I'm convinced it saved us future struggles with the observations you made during our testing session at your home. So, thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge, experience and expertise with us! 

Jill George
Bear Creek NC

 Testing Location: Charlotte Blair was a delight to work with. She kept in touch leading up to testing day. She was so nice to my nervous teens and helped them to relax. She was very upfront and clear about results and explained them well. I highly recommend her! We will be using her again! Thanks Blair!!! 

Full Name: Keshia Leach Lancaster

 Liam asked me when we got in the car, "When are we coming back?" I told him next year. He goes, "Awe, can we come back five times a year? That was fun!" ❤️ Vincent Family, Apex, NC 

J. Vincent
Apex, NC

 Oh my word! There are so many good things I could say about Angie and the assessment day! She is a wonderful, kind and joyful person and completely put Everly at ease for her first assessment! She told me in the car she couldn’t wait to do another one! Angie was completely communicative and helpful about the process before hand. Her website is exceptional and informative! It is evident that she loves her craft and pours intentionality and care into it! Angie explained the results in detail, with encouragement and ease for me as the teacher in our homeschool journey and extra information geared toward Everly’s specific needs. I will always come back here and will recommend to anyone seeking testing! Thank you so much to you Angie! 

Ashley Rizzo
Wendell, NC

 Charlotte location: We had an excellent experience testing with Blair. She was quick to respond, worked around our schedule, and she was very good with both kiddos. Highly highly recommend working with her! 

J. Liebl
Charlotte location with Blair

 Angie recommended quite a few ideas for my daughter. I can speak from experience that she knows what she is doing! My daughter now has grown in confidence this year. Her spelling and reading has thoroughly expanded in skill levels. If you are questioning changing something like I did - don’t. Trust the process! I was set on continuing one curriculum. After several more months of struggling to make progress I took Angie’s advice. I started over with her suggestion to switch up our reading. All I can say is, I wish I had started it when she first recommended it. My daughter loves the program. 

Sara, Hubert, NC
Online Consultation

 The Woodcock Johnson assessment is so beneficial to understand how well your child is learning. One of our children had the opportunity to test in person but since we moved to an area where it's not available, the online option is really wonderful. Three of my children completed the online assessment with Angie and she was fantastic. She worked really well with my children, the we're completely comfortable throughout and the results were so informative on their academic achievement. 

Tracy Kornegay
Sturgis, SD

 Zoom worked well for us today, in this stage of life but I did enjoy the in person assessment for 9th grade much better. The meeting and connection with the tester is why I like the Woodcock -Johnson. You should totally make us come to you😉Better for you and ultimately better for the assessed. I don't think anyone chooses this test for it's zoom capability. 

S. Hanchey
Louisburg, NC

Angie Cutlip, M.Ed.

Director, Wendell, NC

HEY!!! I am Angie the Director of ATC. I hold a Masters Degree in Education in Curriculum & Instruction. I graduated from Garner High School in 1988. I began my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education at UNCW & completed it at Tennessee Temple University. While teaching at Aldert Root Elementary, Classical Magnet School, I graduated from North Carolina State University. I taught in the Wake County Public Schools for 10 years where I also trained teachers in the areas of reading, writing, curriculum & technology. I began serving the homeschooling community after the birth of our first daughter Abigail. I homeschooled my children through early college at home. I have helped families homeschool for over 20 years. I also serve families through a Facebook group with over 22k NC homeschool families. I love helping families learn how to teach their homeschoolers to read. I have a love for children, teaching, & learning differences. I also love to bass fish & create. I reside in Wendell, NC with my husband. I pray my passion for helping others is evident in each family I serve! see the testimonials on this site and pictures of just a few of the HAPPY homeschoolers testing at ATC ==>

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Megan Rainear

Zebulon Area Administrator

Megan Rainear has been married to her husband Kevin since 1993. She has four children that she homeschools in Zebulon, NC. Megan has a B.A. Degree from Elon University and was a social worker before becoming a stay-at-home mother. She has enjoyed testing with ATC Educational Services since 2011. Megan is a member of the SEEK Colonial Homeschool group in Cary, NC. Megan's calm disposition and her efficiency make for a winning combination and pleasant testing experience.

Blair Weddington

Charlotte Area Test Administrator

Blair Weddington is excited to be a part of the ATC team. Blair's background includes a bachelor of arts in elementary education from UNC Charlotte. After marrying her husband James and graduating in 2006, they moved overseas for several years doing mission work. Once returning back to the states, she went on to teach in the classroom for three years before coming home to homeschool their four children. Her education background, experience in the classroom as well as continuing to homeschool their age range children, provides her with the knowledge to assess, encourage and ability to suggest helpful tools for families if they are wanting guidance for their unique homeschool. She is so thankful that homeschool provides a path for families to educate their children who are unique image bearers of Christ with all abilities and her having an opportunity to serve families in that process is a true joy!

College Credit While Homeschooling

Two Options for Homeschoolers to gain college credit while homeschooling.

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Learning Style Profiles

3rd grade - Adult The key to every child’s learning success, the Self-Portrait™ power traits assessment is for individuals, homeschools, classroooms, and parenting. Scoring is automatic and you get immediate, printable results and correlated recommendations, plus downloadable guides.

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Special Needs

Homeschooling Students with Special Needs

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Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with other families deciding if this is the best option for testing.

Homeschool Coaches

ATC is seeking professional & congenial homeschool coaches. Please complete this form if you are interested in being considered.
I am seeking Elementary Coaches, Middle School, High School (Career & College Promise Advisors) Coaches. Test administors will give  the Woodcock-Johnson test of Achievement.
When you apply please upload your resume and I will contact you for an initial phone interview if you seem to be a possible match for the ATC Team.
The interviews will be intensive. I will give you specific scenarios of student achievement and family dynamics and you will make recommendations of curriculum. You must be familiar with interpreting standardized test scores. You must be familiar with the extensive choices of homeschool resources including Christian and secular. You must be familiar with a variety of learning differences  and able to make recommendations. You must be familiar with a variety of homeschool approaches. I am looking for creative, flexible,  intuitive individuals.
You will have the flexibility of creating your own schedule in the comfort of your home. 
Apply Now
Sorry, registration has ended.

I must have the exact number of students attending before October 15 in order to finalize the schedule. Without knowing our exact numbers most places will not schedule without knowing our numbers and every place has different restrictions. To allow the most students as possible to participate, PLEASE only order 1 ticket per family or per small homeschool group. At checkout you will be indicating the number of students you are bringing by listing their grade levels (3, 6, 7 for example). The adult will be 100 percent responsible for the students they bring and ANGIE CUTLIP will not be held responsible. When you complete this form you are agreeing.Read More

  • Date: 11/16/2021 10:00 AM - 11/16/2021 05:00 PM
  • Location: 1 E Edenton St, Raleigh, NC 27601North Carolina Capitol, USA (Map)
  • More Info: PARKING It is recommended to park by the Legislative Building at 140 E. Jones St Raleigh, NC 27601 Rates charged by the hour Monday-Friday 7am-5pm For more information on parking and planning your trip go to

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O Come Let Us Adore Him Mini Bible Study - FOR PRINTING

26 Page Mini Bible study appropriate for middle school through adult. The focus is on the names of God & pondering who God is. This mini Bible study pairs well with Come Let Us Adore Him Advent Devotional by Paul David Trip & also watching the pilot episode {The Shepherd} of The Chosen, on the Chosen App or Google Play Store. It is also streaming on platforms including Peacock, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix. (Please read the disclaimer on last page of the study.)

O Come Let Us Adore Him Mini Bible Study - eBook

26 Page Mini Bible study appropriate for middle school through adult. The focus is on the names of God & pondering who God is. This mini Bible study pairs well with Come Let Us Adore Him Advent Devotional by Paul David Trip & also watching the pilot episode {The Shepherd} of The Chosen, on the Chosen App or Google Play Store. It is also streaming on platforms including Peacock, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix. (Please read the disclaimer on last page of the study.)

Do you need helping opening a homeschool?
Do you need help with curriculum?
I can help with most homeschool subjects from pre-school to early college while homeschooling!
If you would like to schedule your group for Woodcock Johnson Testing we have several options to meet the needs of your group. We can come to your group and conduct testing based on availability.  Since it takes a longer time to test multiple students, ATC does a modified version of the Woodcock Johnson by only administering the minimal required test sections to meet requirements of the law in N.C. Along with test scores parents will receive a description of the tests administered and helpful information on how to interpret the scores.  Parents can schedule additional consultation if needed to go over scores.